Tuesday 22 September 2009

Do dreams really reflect what you are yearning for? Or is it just because I've been reading about Carl Jung that I've been consciously dreaming what I think I should be yearning for?
Else it would be difficult to explain a series of dreams in one single night where I have made up with people I'm having a strained relationship right now. Maybe it's just a sign of how complicated I have made my life.
Like one says Love Happens, I can't really say complications happen, no? Am sure there's some amount of agency in love as well as complications in life. We are ultimately responsible for our own joys and sorrows.
Why then is it taking me so much time to get out of this? And why don't I see a way out? Am I not looking in the right direction or am I not looking with the right attitude? Either way, I need more effort to soothe the hairs I have ruffled. Get to work with right spirit.

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