Sunday 14 February 2010

Valentine's Day

Memories come back to the canvas of the mind
A red rose here,
A kiss there,
A forgotten fort
A promise long broken
Stored away
To be revived by tears of helplessness and loss
In some distant summer in some distant future

Some photographs that will never yellow with age
But will be corrupted by unnamed viruses
Some letters that inked thoughts of a tomorrow together
That made way for swifter emails that will never compensate
Some cards that still lie in recesses left untouched
Awaiting their resurrection in some future shared with another

A phone call
Songs recorded with an earnestness long gone
A shared lunch
Holding hands, exploring life, ideas and more
Dark stormy nights
Stormier days
Wind in the air
Tears down the cheeks
An open sky
Arrows of hurt
A broken mast
A rudderless ship
A jab in the heart
A love lost.

Another Day
A breezy night
A moonless sky
A hungry hug
A peck on the cheek
Warm sunshine
Fresh blades of grass
A jog in the park
A friendly lick
Budding hope
Everlasting faith
A love heals.

Happy Valentine's Day

1 comment:

  1. What
    did the love heal?
    What wound?
    What caused it?
    it a wound?
    Did you gaze into it
    and ask
    Hi! How do you do
    Did you just let it be
