Sunday 9 December 2007


There seems to be a pervasive sense of disilluionment everywhere.
People without jobs are not getting the jobs they want. Those with the jobs they wanted, don't want them anymore and those who still want the jobs they have are not wanted by their employers.
At least this seems to be the general feeling among my friends. Is it just a phase of not being happy with what you have or is something wrong with the system? It seems difficult to analyse as I'm so into the situation myself.
Office politics, arguments, miscommunication, irritating colleagues, everyone seems to have a different peeve, but the bottomline is the same...the yearning to quit.
Before you ask someone about his or her job, prepare yourself to hear a earful. A spineless boss may be the problem for one or an interfering one with another. With a third, it might be too much pressure and and with a fourth, lack of responsibility.
Would swapping all these people help the cause or will there be another round of disappointment and chaos. One wonders, but it's worth an experiment, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely observatioin. I think, the subject will remain the same forever. That's how we would be able to have pitty on ourselves.
