Saturday 2 August 2008

Househaunting again

It's that time of year again, when a cloud-less sky breaks into showers right when you want to look at the next available house. House-hunting and bin badal barsaat go hand in hand. Their cosmic connection ensures that the more tired you are and the more helpless you feel, the more heavy is the downpour.
The rain gods have proved me right twice this time, but both times the showers, instead of dampening my spirits, lifted my soul to the skies so that I could personally thank the heavens for being there, and reducing the heat generated by the numerous disappointments.
I've seen all kinds of places this time, in all parts of Delhi...nope, I missed out on North Delhi I guess.
There were houses I looked for in the South, in the East and in the West, and each more unsuitable than the other. One was so cramped, there was no place even for my breath to rest. Another was one was so exorbitant, it was funny...and the broker showed me the house even though it was double my budget. He just wanted me to appreciate his sense of aesthetics and judgement! He's yet to show me the place he insists is the perfect one for me. There'll be another post on this blog once that revelation is made.
Oh! and of course, the number of property dealers who convinced me there are NO 1BHKs (one bedroom, hall, kitchen...and yes, the bathroom is also included) in Rajinder Nagar. Would like to locate at least ten just to spite them :)
And yes, the ringtones one encounters while househunting is amazing. There's always at least one Om Jai Jagdish Hare and one Gayathri mantra. But this time, there was a Hey! Mr Bomb too. And it belonged to this dealer, who I really wished lived up to his name — Lucky M. But unfortunately, he was quite unlucky for me.
And there was Amma, who was into this business so she could earn enough for davai-daru. This information shocked an Americanised South Indian also househunting with me...He tried to appear as discreet as possible when he enquired, "Does she mean she drinks liquor?"
That was something to keep me smiling through a hopeless round of looking at houses that were available until two days before my urgent need materialised.
But so it is with househunting as it is with everything in life. Things happen only when that wise guy up there wants it to happen. And for those who snigger and wonder why I'm going through all this trouble when I'll get the house only when I'm destined to, here's a piece of wisdom I've totally imbibed by now: God helps those who help themselves.
Maybe a few prayers would help hasten the miracle that I know is coming my way!

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